Gemstones Specialist :- In pure science, there are laws that have not been proven, but accepted, because their effects are observed from day to day, and they are also called laws, since they were not proved otherwise. Similarly, the effects of precious stones are observed by those who use them under the right guidance. Since the effects are very subjective and individual in nature, they are not under the scrutiny of the public, and people in general do not believe in their advantageous values. A special stone absorbs all kinds of solar and cosmic energy and allows to pass through it a certain type of energy, which is then absorbed by the body. If it is prescribed correctly, it really helps a person.
Since ancient times, precious stones are part of our astrology and are used as a means to reduce the bad impact of planets. This makes stronger points stronger and overcomes weakness. There are many precious stones, such as ruby, diamond, blue sapphire, emerald, which differ in color, design and impact on people. Precious stones affect the human body, nature, economy, thoughts and actions, but remember that precious stones are not only jewelry, so they should be worn under the advice or supervision of a specialist in precious stones.
Gemstones Specialist :- Precious stones have been a prominent use since ancient times to alleviate or eliminate the bad effects of planets, and to improve the good and constructive abilities or influences of favorable planets. Precious stones are known for their ability to absorb specific planetary radiations and thereby protect the native from possible health, financial, family, business / profession, social status, etc. problems. Different gems have different consequences or results; and precious stones affect not only the thoughts and actions of people wearing them, but also the entire body of these people. Therefore, before wearing a jewel, a person is strongly advised to consult a mature and famous astrologer to prevent possible negative consequences of the precious stone.
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